The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)
A statement of principle, a statement of strategy, and a statement of commitment that offered the first definition of open access.
開放取用 Open Access (OA)
隨著資訊與通訊科技(Information and Communication Technology, ICT)發展,學術紀錄與傳播方式有許多嶄新的發展,開放取用便是其中一項重大理念。
開放取用是一種使所有人都能輕易於網路上免費取用該項資源的學術發表的新模式,各項資源類型包含開放取用期刊(Open Access Journal, OAJ)、開放取用書籍(Open Access Book, OAB),及開放取用教科書(Open Access Textbook, OAT)等。
Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)
By “open access” to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.
Open Access
Information content made freely and universally available via the Internet in easy to read format, usually because the publisher maintains online archives to which access is free or has deposited the information in a widely known open access repository. Open access is a new model of scholarly publishing developed to free researchers and libraries from the limitations imposed by excessive subscription price increases for peer-reviewed journals, particularly in the sciences and medicine. By breaking the monopoly of publishers over the distribution of scientific research, open access makes access to scientific information more equitable and has the added advantage of allowing the author to retain copyright.
(Resource: Reitz, J. M. Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science. Retrieved from
開放取用類型 Types of OA
As scholarly communication evolves, there are different types of OA publishing models. Two main models are "Gold OA" and "Green OA".
The Gold OA and Green OA briefing introductions are as follows:
金科:金色OA Gold OA
又稱為完全OA出版模式,於出版時透過網路開放,供使用者立即取用。此類型的期刊稱為開放取用期刊(Open Access Journal, OAJ),通常由作者支付的文章處理費用(Article Processing Charges, APC)承擔出版成本。然而,部份期刊假借開放取用的名義,以快速出版、虛構的期刊影響力指標或編輯團隊等資訊誘騙作者投稿,稱為掠奪性期刊(predatory journal),在投稿時須要特別小心。
Gold OA is an in-time OA publishing model that allows users to access the full text of any article from the public web as soon as the issue is published. Journals that adopt Gold OA as their publishing model are called Open Access Journal (OAJ). Authors submitting to OAJ are asked to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to offset the cost of publication. Be aware, however, that under the guise of open access, predatory journals lure authors into submitting manuscripts with information about rapid publication, fictitious journal impact metrics or editorial teams.
混合型OA Hybrid OA
部份傳統期刊融合出版型式,將當期部份文章以OA型式出版,另一部份則保持傳統讀者收費模式。由於以OA型式出版的文章向作者收取APC,傳統型式文章又向圖書館或讀者收取訂閱費用,因此產生雙重收費(two-part tariff)爭議。為了解決此項問題,出版者推出R&P (Read and Publish)、P&R (Publish and Read)等轉型化合約。
Hybrid OA model means that some of the articles in a journal title are published under the OA model, while the others are published under the traditional model. In the case of hybrid OA journals, a two-part tariff issue emerges when OA articles are subject to APC charges from authors, while traditional articles incur subscription fees paid by libraries or readers. To address the problem, publishers have been developing transformative agreement such as R&P (Read and Publish) or P&R (Publish and Read).
玉律:綠色OA Green OA
Green OA is known as self-archiving, which means that articles are stored by authors or libraries on authors' personal websites, institutional repositories or other open access repositories for preservation. In addition to post-print articles, some authors choose to deposit pre-print versions. However, be aware of the publishing policy on whether or not there are standards for archiving.
Timeline for Open Access (OA)
Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) was founded.
The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) was arose and signed by the participants in the small meeting at Budapest.
A one-day meeting for Open Access Publishing at the headquarters of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
在美國馬里蘭州(Maryland)舉辦為期一天的「開放取用出版」(Open Access Publishing)會議。
Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing was released.
釋出《貝斯達開放取用出版宣言》(Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing)。
The Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities was published in English.
The first Open Access Day!
The OA Day was expanded to a one-week event.
An official theme for OA Week was established from this year. The theme for 2012 was "Set the default to open access".
The theme was "Redefining impact".
The theme was "Generation Open".
The theme was "Open for Collaboration".
The theme was "Open in Action".
The theme was "Open In Order To".
The theme was "Designing Equitable Foundations for Open Knowledge".
The theme was "Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge".
The theme was "Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion".
The theme was "It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity".
The theme was "Open for Climate Justice".
The theme was "Community over Commercialisation".
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Chen at NTNU Library.
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