填答時間: 10/16(一) ~ 29 (日)
中獎公告: 10/31(二)
Prize Quiz:https://forms.gle/WqN2KjbGX4U4w6cm6
Fill out the personal information form and score 100 points in the prize quiz. You can win a NTNU Library folder as a prize at the 2nd-floor counter of the Main Library by showing a screenshot of a perfect score. Plus, you'll have a chance to win an elaborate coaster! Those who have not achieved the full score can challenge the questions again.
Answering Period:10/16 (Mon.) ~ 29 (Sun.)
Winning Announcement: 10/31 (Tue.)
得獎名單公告 Winners of the coaster!
注意事項 Notices:
滿分獎項 Prizes for Perfect Score
Exchange it by showing the screenshot of perfect score at the reference desk of Main Library (2F).
臺師大造型資料夾(紅色-總館) Folder with NTNU Library design (Red-Main Library design)
臺師大造型資料夾(藍色-總館) Folder with NTNU Library design (Blue-Main Library design)
臺師大造型資料夾(黃色-公館特別版) Folder with NTNU Library design (Yellow-Gungguan Library design)
加碼抽獎 Prizes for Bonus Draw
It will be drawn on October 30th (Monday), and the winners will be notified by email and announced on Facebook. Stay tuned!
阿獅造型杯墊(A款) 2名 Coaster with NTNU Lion design (Style A) - 2 persons
阿獅造型杯墊(B款) 2名 Coaster with NTNU Lion design (Style B) - 2 persons
阿獅造型杯墊(C款) 2名 Coaster with NTNU Lion design (Style C) - 2 persons
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Chen at NTNU Library.
(TEL: 02-7749-5245; Email: rschen@ntnu.edu.tw)