課程名稱 | 課程參考書目 |
公民教育理論基礎研究 張雪梅 劉秀嫚 陳永龍 |
呂建政(1994)。國民中學童軍教育課程研究。台北:水牛出版。(必) 李華夏(譯)(2007)。有閒階級論(原作者:T. Veblen)。台北:左岸文化。(必) 李義男(2003)。探索教育與諮商治療。台北:水牛。(參) 李靜瀅譯(2015)。沙郡年紀:像山一樣思考,荒野詩人寫給我們的自然之歌(電子版)(原作者:A. Leopold)。台北:果力文化出版。(必) |
戶外探索領導研究 謝智謀 |
John C. Miles & Simon Priest, 1999. “Adventure Programming”. |
法治教育研究 劉恆妏 |
瞿同祖(1984)。中國法律與中國社會。台北市:里仁。 |
社會科學方法論 黃信豪 |
1. King, Gary, Robert O. Keohane, and Sidney Verba. 1994. Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2. 陳美霞等譯,Booth, Wayne C.等原著,2009,研究的藝術,台北:巨流出版社。 3. 潘明宏等譯,Frankfort-Nachmias, C. and David Nachmias著,2003,最新社會科學研究方法,台北:韋伯文化國際出版社。 4. 王佳煌等譯,Neuman, Lawrence W. 原著,2009,當代社會研究法,台北:學富文化出版社。 5. 邱泯科等譯,Babbie, Earl原著,2004,研究方法:基礎理論與技巧。 6. 畢恆達,2006,教授為什麼沒告訴我:論文寫作的枕邊書(二版),台北:學富文化。 |
社會科學哲學研究 王錦雀 |
Bernstein, R. J.: (1983) Beyond Objectivism and Relativism: Science, Hermeneutics and Praxis, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Bohman, James: (1991) New Philosophy of Social Science, Cambridge: Polity. Foucault, Michel: (1970) The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, London: Routledge. Foucault, Michel: (1980) Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews & Other Writings 1972-1977 by Michel Foucault, edited by Colin Gordon, New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf. Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1989) Truth and Method, Second Revised Edition, translation revised by Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall, Crossroad Publishing Company. Habermas, J.: (1987) Knowledge and Human Interests, Cambridge: Polity. Habermas, J.: (1988) On the Logic of the Social Sciences, Cambridge: Polity. Kuhn, Thomas: (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolution, Chicago: Chicago U. Press. Morrow, Raymond A.: (1994) Critical Theory and Methodology, London: Sage. |
活動領導研究 謝智謀 |
1. 體驗教育─帶領內省指導手冊,Lasting Lessons: A Teacher`s Guide to Reflecting on Experience ,Clifford E. Knapp 著,謝智謀、王怡婷譯,幼 獅出版社,2003年07月。 2. 謝智謀、吳崇旗、王怡婷譯(2009)。反思學習:理論與實務(ISBN 975-986- 85278-1-2)。桃園縣,台灣外展教育基金會。 3. Simpson, Steven (2006) 反思之峰,台北,幼獅出版社。 |
童軍教育研究 蔡居澤 |
Vallory, E.(2012). World Scouting. Palgrave Macmillan. 童軍教育學會系列叢書 |
當代社會學理論 陳素秋 |
Baudrillard, J. (1981) For a critique of the political economy of the sign. St. Louis: Telos Press. Baudrillard, J. (2001) Selected writings. Stanford, CA.:Stanford University Press, Benjamin, W. (1969): Illuminations: Essays and Reflections. New York : Schocken. Bourdieu, P. (1977) Outline of a theory of practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. Bourdieu, P. (1977) Reproduction in education, society and culture. London: Sage. Featherstone, M.(1991) Consumer culture and postmodernism. London : Sage. Featherstone, M. (2000) Body modification. London ; Thousand Oaks, CA. : SAGE. Foucault, M. (1998). The history of sexuality Vol. 1: The will to knowledge. London: Penguin. Foucault, M. (1979) Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. New York: Vintage Books. |
當代經濟問題研究 周有熙 |
C.Walsh "Monetary Theory and Policy" 3rd edition. |
經濟教育研究 曾永清 |
謝振環譯,Mankiw著(2007),總體經濟學6TH,東華。 Council on Economic Education (CEE) (2013). National Standards for Financial Literacy. Retrieved fromhttp://www.councilforeconed.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/national-standards-for-financial-literacy.pdf Hoyt, G. M.& McGoldrick, K. M. (2011).International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics. Edward Elgar Pub. Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy(Jump$tart) (2014). National standards in k-12 personal finance. Retrieved from http://www.jumpstart.org/assets/files/2015_NationalStandardsBook.pdf Kane, Thomas J., Eric S. Taylor, John H. Tyler, and Amy L. Wooten.( 2011). Identifying Effective Classroom Practices Using Student Achievement Data.Journal of Human Resources 46(3): 587-613. Kimmitt, M. C., Burnett, K. M. (2015).Determinants of Success in High School Economics.http://www2.hawaii.edu/~kburnett/casestudy.pdf National Council on Economic Education. 2000. Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics. New York: National Council on Economic Education. Salemi, M. K., Siegfried, J. J., Sosin, K., Walstad, W. B. and Watts, M.(2000) Research in Economic Education: Five New Initiatives.http://www.fitchburgstate.edu/uploads/files/Assessment/five_new_initiatives.pdf Swinton, John R., Thomas De Berry, Benjamin Scafidi, and Howard C. Woodard. (2010). Does in-service professional learning for high school economics teachers improve student achievement? Education Economics 18(4): 395-406. Walstad W. B.(1994).An International Perspective on Economic Education. Walstad W. B.(2001).Economic Education in U.S. High Schools .Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(3),195–210. Walstad W. B., & Soper, J. C. (1989). What is high school economics? Factors contributing to student achievement and attitudes. Journal of Economic Education, 20(1), 23–38. Whitehead D. J. (Ed). (1986). Economics education: A second handbook for economics teachers. London: Heinemann Educational. Whitehead D. J., & Dyer, D. H (Eds.). (1991). New developments in economics and business education: A handbook for teachers. London: Kogan Page. |
道德教育研究 李琪明 |
Noddings, N.(2002).Educating Moral People: A Caring Alternative to Character Education. New York: Teachers College Press. (pp13-38) Watson, M.(2008) Developmental discipline and moral education, in: L. Nucci and Narvaez, D. (Eds.)Handbook of moral and character education (New York, London, Routledge), 175-203. Lickona,T.(1991).Educating for Character: How Our School Can Teach Respect and Responsibility. New York:Bantam Books.(ch1) Narvaez,D.(2006).Integrative Ethical Education. In M.Killen & J.Smetana(Eds.)Handbook of Moral Development.(pp703-732).N.J.:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 道德教育相關參考資源 :推薦重要網站與期刊(以名稱為主,網址可能會有所變動) Association for Moral Education (AME) http://www.amenetwork.org Center for the 4th and 5th Rs http://www.cortland.edu/character/ Character Education Partnership http://www.character.org/ Center for the Study of Ethical Development http://www.centerforthestudyofethicaldevelopment.net/ http://www.characterandcitizenship.org/index.html Ethics updates http://ethics.sandiego.edu/index.asp Studies in Moral Development and Education http://tigger.uic.edu/~lnucci/MoralEd/index.html The Center for the advancement of Ethics and Character http://www.bu.edu/sed/caec/ Center for social and emotional Education http://www.schoolclimate.org/ Characterplus http://www.characterplus.org/ http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/carfax/03057240.html (on-line) http://www.collegevalues.org/ 品德教育資源網(國家教育研究院接受教育部委託建置維護) http://ce.naer.edu.tw/
學生事務研究專業實習(一) 張雪梅 |
張雪梅(主編)(2013)。中學學事務的理論與實務。台北:高教出版社。 大學學生權利調查評鑑小組 網址:http://studentrights-team.blogspot.com/ Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education. (2009). CAS professional standards for higher education (7th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. |
學生發展理論研究 劉若蘭 |
Nathan, R. (2005/2006). My freshman year: What a professor learned by becoming a student,張至璋 (譯)。當教授變成學生--一位大學教授重讀大一的生活紀實。台北:立緒。 黃俊豪,連廷嘉(譯)(2004)。青少年心理學。台北:學富。 黃德祥(2000)。青少年發展與輔導。台北:五南。 詹棟樑(2006)。青少年發展與輔導。台北:師大書苑。 王雅各譯(2002)。不同的語音:心理學理論與女性的發展。台北:心理。 Bok, D. (2006). Our underachieving college. NJ: Princeton University Press. Evans,N., J., Forney, D. S., & Guido-DiBrito, F. (1998). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Evans, N., J., Forney, D. S., & Guido-DiBrito, F. (2010). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice (2nd). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Kramer, G. L. (2007). Fostering student success in the campus community. John Wiley & Sons Inc Baxter magolda, M. B. (2001). Making their own way: Narratives for transforming higher education to promote self-development. Virginia: Sterling. Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 網站 http:// www.myacpa.org (American College Personnel Association) (College Student Educators International, ACPA) http://www.naspa.org (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, NASPA) http://www.cher.ed.ntnu.edu.tw (台灣高等教育資料庫) 雜誌: Journal of College Student Development (Journal of College Student Personnel) NASPA Journal Journal of Higher Education The College Student Affairs Journal (SACSA-Southern Association for College Student Affairs) 臺灣高教研究電子報 學生事務(訓育研究) |