Affilia: journal of women and social work |
Journal of european social policy |
Asia pacific journal of social work and development |
Journal of human values |
Asian journal of women's studies |
Journal of poverty |
Child maltreatment |
Journal of social distress and the homeless |
Childhood: a global journal of child research |
Journal of social service research |
Cross-cultural research |
Journal of social work |
Cultural dynamics |
Qualitative social work |
Ethics and social welfare |
Research on social work practice |
European journal of social work |
Smith college studies in social work |
Families in society-the journal of contemporary social services |
Social change |
Feminist theory |
Social service review |
Gender, technology and development |
Social work education: the international journal |
Human service organizations |
Violence against women |
International social work |
Work, employment & society |
Journal of aging & social policy |