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科學教育研究所: 課程參考書目



  1.  Vosniadou, S. (2008). International handbook of research on conceptual change. New York : Routledge.
  2. Hewson (1981): Teaching for conceptual change The status of students’ conceptions



  1.  V. L. Akerson (Ed.),Interdisciplinary language arts and science instruction in elementary classrooms: Applying research to practice. Mahwah, NJ: LEA.


  1. de Jong, T., Sotiriou, S., & Gillet, D. (2014). Innovations in STEM education: The Go-Lab federation of online labs. Smart Learning Environments, 1(1), 3
  2. Brinson, J. R. (2015). Learning outcome achievement in non-traditional (virtual and remote) versus traditional (hands-on) laboratories: A review of the empirical research. Computers & Education, 87, 218-237.
  3. de Jong, T., Linn, M. C., & Zacharia, Z. C. (2013). Physical and virtual laboratories in science and engineering education. Science, 340, 305-308.
  4. Pyatt, K., & Sims, R. (2012). Virtual and physical experimentation in inquiry-based science labs: Attitudes, performance and access. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21(1), 133-147
  5. Lehtinen, A., & Viiri, J. (2017). Guidance provided by teacher and simulation for inquiry-based learning: A case study. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 26(2), 193-206
  6. 邱美虹(2000)。概念改變研究的省思與啟示。科學教育學刊,8(1),1-34。
  7. Novak, J. D. & Cañas, A. J. (2008). The theory underlying concept maps and how to construct and use them, Technical Report IHMC CmapTools 2006-01 Rev 01-2008, Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
  8. Treagust, D. F. (1988). Development and use of diagnostic tests to evaluate students’ misconceptions in science. International Journal of Science Education, 10(2), 159-169.
  9. 林雅姿(2011)。融入討論的雙重情境學習模式對學生血糖恆定概念學習之影響。未出版之碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學生命科學系,臺北市。
  10. White, R. & Gunstone, R. (1992). Prediction-Observation- Explanation. In Probing Understanding (pp.44-64). New York: Routledge.
  11. Keogh, B., & Naylor, S. (1999). Concept cartoons, teaching and learning in science: An evaluation. International Journal of Science Education, 21(4), 431-446.
  12. Ekici, F., Ekici, E., & Aydin, F. (2007). Utility of concept cartoons in diagnosing and overcoming misconceptions related to photosynthesis. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2(4), 111-124.
  13. Glynn, S. M. (1991) Explaining science concepts: A teaching- with-analogies model. In S. M. Glynn, R. H. Yeany, & B. K. Britton (Eds.). The psychology of learning science (pp. 219-240). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  14. Brown, D. E., & Clement, J. (1989). Overcoming misconceptions via analogical reasoning: Abstract transfer versus explanatory model construction. Instructional Science, 18(4), 237-261.
  15. Grayson, D. J. (1996). Concept substitution: A strategy for promoting conceptual change. In D. R. Treagust, R. Duit, B. J. Fraser (Eds). Improving teaching and learning in science and mathematics (pp. 152-161). New York: Teachers College Press
  16. Schraw, G. (1998). Promoting general metacognitive awareness. Instructional Science, 26, 113-125.



  1.  Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education. Revised and Expanded from "Case Study Research in Education." 
  2. 陳向明(2002)。社會科學質的研究。臺北市:五南。
  3. Maxwell, J. A. (2005). Qualitative research design : an interactive approach. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications.
