
臺師大圖書館讀書會: Fall 2023 Groups

NTNU Library: Reading Group

英語讀書會公告 English Reading Group Announcement


Fall 2023  10/2~11/24


1.English Reading Group由本校外籍生或英語流利之同學帶領
2.每週聚會1次,每次2小時,共有5次及期末English Party


2.本次讀書會預計於11/21(二)17:30-20:00辦理成果展--English Party,邀請各組展演整學期的成果並頒發獎項。



 Email: libservice@ntnu.edu.tw
 Tel: 林小姐(Julia) (02)7749-5243 (02)7749-5250

Group01 Josh -MON12:30-14:30

Are you passionate about living a healthy life, or are you interested in adopting healthier habits for a better lifestyle? If so, we invite you to join our "Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle" English reading group! This is designed for English learners who want to explore the world of health, wellness, and personal growth through engaging reading sessions and meaningful discussions.

In our first session, we'll dive into the fundamental principles of a healthy lifestyle. We'll explore what it means to live healthily, covering nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being. This session serves as a great starting point for all participants, offering valuable insights into the core concepts that underpin a balanced and vibrant life. We encourage you to bring your unique perspectives and cultural experiences to the discussion as we collectively define what "healthy living" means in a global context.

Subsequent sessions will take a deeper dive into key areas of health and wellness. We'll explore the secrets of nutrition, examining the significance of balanced diets, portion control, and mindful eating. Additionally, we'll investigate the world of exercise and physical activity, sharing tips on staying motivated and active. Along the way, we'll uncover cultural variations in dietary choices and fitness practices, enriching our understanding of these vital topics. Our reading group isn't just about physical health—it's also about nurturing your mental well-being. In session four, we'll discuss stress management, mindfulness, and the significance of mental health.

Finally, in our last session, we'll focus on building healthy habits for life. Together, we'll explore strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the long term, share success stories, and set personal and group goals. Join us on this enlightening journey towards a healthier, happier, and more balanced life! We can't wait to read and grow with you!!

Group02 Sheigee -TUE10:30-12:30

Travelling is always a big thing regardless of your age and life phase. We always want to explore new places either within or outside the country. But  what is the thing that fascinates you the most when it comes to travelling? Is it just to have a break from everything else? Or is there something more? Is it the good food or the beautiful scenery? Is it the experience to know exotic culture? Or, could it be a way to understand your inner self?

Well, I do love travelling. And I think we can have so much fun talking about your previous travel experiences, future travel plans and of course your very own thoughts about travelling!


Group03 Danny -WED16:30-18:30

Are you in search of spine-chilling tales that will keep you up all night? This is the right session for you. We are all drawn to horror literature for different reasons. Some believe that scary stories can provide an adrenaline rush, much like taking a thrilling ride on a rollercoaster. Others are intrigued by the supernatural, the paranormal, and the unknown, and they seek to explore these realms through storytelling. No matter why horror stories captivate you, you are all welcome to join our journey into this dark and mysterious genre.

We will mostly focus on the selected short stories—‘The Lottery,' 'The Horla,' and 'The Husband Stitch.' Each of these stories possesses a unique quality that distinguishes it in the realm of horror literature. I aim to provide a diverse selection that caters to a range of interests within the genre. Moreover, I have saved two special weeks for the discussion of  horror films. What makes this movie selection particularly exciting is that they are open to your suggestions and preferences! Therefore, if you have a favorite horror film, I wholeheartedly welcome your input and eagerly anticipate adding your choices into our sessions.

Stephen King, a renowned writer of horror literature, once said, “We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.” In this group, we will delve into the horror elements of the stories and discuss how each of them connects with and reflects our lives. Additionally, I would like to foster an environment where you can refine your skills in articulating thoughts and ideas while building up your confidence. Therefore, whether you are a seasoned horror enthusiast or someone just beginning to explore the genre, you are warmly invited to join us on this journey of discovery and fear.

Group04 Sunny -THU13:30-15:30

In this group, we will talk about life in Europe and answer some interesting questions such as How long does it take to renovate a church in Belgium? and Who is Norwegian Major General Sir Nils Olav III, and why does he only eat fish?

There are a total of 50 countries in Europe, so it’s safe to say we won’t be able to cover every country in just 5 sessions. Instead, we will focus on three countries in particular, each with their own unique charm: Belgium (the heart of the European Union), Norway (with its beautiful scenery and Nordic welfare system), and the United Kingdom (a country with rich culture and history). The culture, history, and everyday life in these three countries will be the main topic of this group, although we can also certainly talk about other countries that group members are interested in!

We will have a reading each session, discussing an aspect of one of the three countries. Members won’t be expected to read everything beforehand— but do expect to discuss the article in question during the session.

Logistical details, such as time and place of the sessions, can be discussed and modified as we go along.

Group05 Yuting -FRI 16:30-18:30

If you’re the one enjoying music and culture, join this study group!

Have you ever think about how it would be like to immerse in multi-cultural environment? 

Having broad research interest on traditional music and folk music, I’m specialised in Chinese Pipa and I’m also interested in music of Japan and Central Asia, where some ideas was found out related to the Asian music history and the musical culture.

We’ll discover how did music spread in the Eurasia continent from the Middle East, to China and to Japan. Fascinated with the story along the Silk Road, I love to hear your  different perspectives to expand more angles of the Silk Road issues, such as diplomacy, economy, arts facts, politics, or any contemporary kind that are really happening and having influences on our society.

The content is mainly about it but not limited to the cross-cultural studies of World Music. Discussion on the world music industry featuring folk music, or music in the changing world is also welcomed. We also pay attention to ethnicity, diversity or issues of globalisation

along the music and culture. Everyone will be invited to share and talk about their interest.